Monday, May 7, 2007

It Appears That I've Been Set Up

In a good way.

My friend Tiffani (love you, Tif!) emailed me late last week to say the following (in regard to this new blog) : "...I have been praying for you. And (I hope I'm not stepping on your toes) I've been praying for you to walk through the mom stuff. It wasn't something that I prayed because I wanted you to be in pain, but I just felt the Spirit's nudging in that way.....actually I've been praying that for a year or so now....It was incredible to read your previous blogs and (sort of) catch up and see very specific things that I have been praying for you actually written as something that you are/were learning. This is amazing work that is being done in you, Natalie. Gut wrenching, but so amazingly beautiful. Your God really loves you and is in hot pursuit of your heart, my friend...."

I'm so thankful for her gentleness and her love for me....she saw something in me and simply prayed for it - rather than beating me over the head with the areas that I needed to work on. I think she knew that I just wouldn't "get it" if she tried to talk to me about it - that I'd understand the words in my head but not be able to really embrace it an understand it all unless it was a work done solely by Jesus.

And, rather than being frustrated that she prayed for me to be in pain, that's not even a thought in my head - instead, I'm so unbelievably thankful for her love for me - that she was willing to pray for something because she knew there would be freedom and health for me on the other side of the pain. And, to have a tangible example of someone loving me despite the obvious junk in my unconditional, gentle and kind her love for me is. That people like me even if they know I am screwed up....

Plus, it's awesome to realize how cared for I am by someone else (even when I feel so alone at times) and how thoroughly God cares for me - to lead someone pray for me about these things and then to answer those prayers.

This is great stuff.....

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