Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Quite the Weekend

Sorry for the lack of posts....last week was really, really busy at work (which is really good considering this economy and how hard our specific industry is being hit...and how many people are getting laid off - we just found out about two more people in another of our offices who were "let go" on Monday). was really busy both in and out of the no real chance to post anything.

And, to get an idea, here's a glimpse into last weekend:


  • work 'til 5
  • go out with three girls from work (I had water...they had some drinks)
  • go with those same girls to meet up with other co-workers for what was billed as "happy hour" but ended up being a surprise engagement announcement party for a co-worker and his, now, fiancee
  • go from there to a birthday party for a girl from church
  • go from there to another birhtday party for another girl from church at a different pace
  • being talked into going dancing....although I was exhausted and it was after midnight
  • finally collapse onto my bed at 2 a.m. (I had left my house almost 24 hours earlier - at 7 a.m.)


  • sleep 'til 9:30 a.m. when Jennie text-messaged me from Uganda
  • talk to Jennie for a few hours
  • fall back to sleep at noon and sleep until 3 p.m.
  • spend time with Jesus
  • work out
  • do laundry and eat some dinner
  • shower and get dressed
  • go to another birthday party for another girl from church (there are too many birthdays in April!!!)
  • leave there to go to a dinner party at a co-worker's house
  • go with all the co-workers who were at the dinner party to a piano bar
  • stay way too late...collapse into bed...again at 2 am.


  • wake up before 6 (yes, that means I got fewer than four hours of sleep)
  • somehow make it to church at 7 a.m. for worship practice and church - there 'til 1
  • council meeting
  • collapse on my couch at 4
  • sleep 'til 6
  • make dinner
  • watch my favorite show (Brothers and Sisters) Yea for new episodes!!!!
  • talk to my sister on the phone
  • go to bed at 10:30

It was fun....but exhausting. Too many birthday and dinner parties for one weekend...and believe it or not, I DID say "no" to some things.

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