Monday, August 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday, Take 41

Thanking God last week for:
  • my job
  • the love and heart for my coworkers that the Lord's clearly given me
  • an amazing small group who love me, listen to me, encourage me, pray for me and carry my pain with me (specifically this week regarding the layoffs at work)
  • tightening my budget as living costs/expenses rise but still being able to pay my bills and live without having a roommate (I never would have imagined I could do it....)
  • friendships that last over time
  • God's grace and kindness that leads me to repentance
  • The reminder that HE is the one who changes hearts and people - not me - and that even if some of my friends/co-workers are not a part of my everyday life, they're still a part of God's everyday life. He doesn't need me to bring them to know Him....but He let's me join Him for seasons/from time-to-time

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