Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Praying, Planning, Transitioning

It's been a while since I've written here. I'm not even sure that anyone reads this anymore....but, if you do, I'd love it if you'd pray long with me...specifically this weekend as I get away regroup, pray and plan.

You've probably each heard me talk at some point about how a long term goal and dream for my life is to help the less fortunate, to have a home that's a refuge to the broken, to be a foster parent, to adopt children, etc etc etc.

Over the years, the dream's seemed so far off and practically impossible at times and at others, it's been as if I've felt the breath of the Lord on me as He's reawakened, redirected, reaffirmed and reminded me of this passion. Tiny doors have been opened - opened just wide enough to know that this dream really is part of His call on my life...probably the biggest call ever on my life. And, as those doors have opened slightly, I've always tried to push them open wider and go faster than I was supposed to. It's been so frustrating at times...but looking back, I'm so thankful for each turn and lesson along the way.

For the past six to eight months, the door just keeps opening wider even as I've been cautious (finally having learned that God will widen it in His timing, I don't need to). For example:

  • First it was really stepping into overseeing the Wholeness (Counseling) ministry of my church,
  • then releasing oversight of the Worship ministry,
  • then so many in my chuch prepping to adopt,
  • others pursuing foster parenting,
  • realizing that I have the tools to start my own business (freelance writing/editing/resumes, etc) that will eventually free me from the confines of an 8-5 office job,
  • some deep freedom and healing of some deeply-rooted pain and judgment.
  • Then the enormous emotional response I've had to the earthquake in Haiti (honestly, not normal for me...I'm ashamed to admit that neither the Tsunami in Indonesia nor Hurricane Katrina affected me this much),
  • most-recently, meeting my small group's refugee family who's just come from the Congo.

God's definitely expanding my heart and making it obvious that it's really time to move ahead with some of this stuff. It's all so exciting. Humbling. Overwhelming, Thrilling. Yet, honestly, a bit paralyzing.

It's a lttle crazy to grasp that "it's time" (literally THE phrase the Lord spoke to me a few months ago) to move ahead into some of the largest and most-enduring dreams of my life.

And, to be honest, I don't know what specifically I'm supposed to be moving ahead with. So, I'm getting away this weekend to decompress and pray through it all. Please pray that I emerge feeling closer to Jesus and with more answers than questions for all of this - as well as an idea of the things I need to lay down in order to proceed ahead with this new stuff.

Thanks so much!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey Nat,
This is Diane on Amy's computer. On a last minute whim I sent XinXin home with Amy after she, Steve and Elijah came for the weekend. I drove up yesterday to get her. Amy found your blog this morning. I know she plans to comment as well, but just wanted you to know that we took some time to pray over you for your upcoming weekend. We are so excited for you! It's fun to see God reconfirming your dreams. I'll continue in prayer for you throughout the weekend. Praying that you seek HIM only and let Him reveal and clarify exactly what He wants to. Praying too for full acceptance and trust for whatever "It's Time" might mean.
Great to feel connected to you today.
Love you