...I'm still single. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that I'm a dork.
Case in point:
So, T (a guy at work who intermittantly, though harmlessly, flirts with me at work - who I am attracted to but who is like 8 years older than me, recently divorced, has a four-year old son, and MOST DEFINITELY DOES NOT KNOW JESUS) came up to my desk a few minutes ago asking if I had any staples. Context: he's in a rush and leaving for a business trip in about an hour and he's got appointments up until he leaves. Here's how the conversation went:
T: Do you have any staples?
N: Yeah, but there are some in the back supply room too.
T: I know...but that's so far away. You're a lot closer. Plus, this way I get to see your beautiful smile.
GAG ME....however...here comes the lame response:
N: I know...those boxes of staples don't smile. It's true.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I am completely incapable of coming up with witty responses.....
That wasn't lame it's cute!
You are not single because you are a dork.
There are lots of dorks who are in a relationship.
You are single because you have yet to meet (or begin relationship with) the man that will meet the incredibly high standards that YOU DESERVE.
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