Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday, Take 35

Thanking God THIS week for:
  • A four day work week last week - a day off...WOO HOO!
  • Our country - even with all of the problems we have, I am so thankful to be an American!
  • A day completely alone and by myself.....I can't remember the last time I did that. It was SPECTACULAR and much needed!!! Independence Day for me was (purposefully) an Independence from all people and all plans. It was SPECTACULAR
  • Spending a few hours in Barnes & Noble just reading magazines - can't remember the last time I did that either
  • A home to live in
  • A job that pays me well
  • Being invited to a co-worker's party - and getting to interact with her various worlds. I was invited into the "third space" (that reference will take a lot more explanation....and maybe one day soon, I'll actually follow up to the "Acceleration" post from a few weeks ago..and then this will make more sense).
  • A fantastic catch-up phone call with's been too long since we've been able to really, really talk.
  • Getting to lead worship at small group this week - it's been so long since I've had a chance to do that and gosh, I forgot how much I love it!
  • Knowing that Jesus has a far bigger plan for my life than I can even imagine...and getting to see glimpses of it from time to time. What I mean is, I'm really thankful that He's in charge of it...not me. He knows what's going on and how to get me there...I don't have to strive to make it happen myself.

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