Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday, Take 57

Thanking God this week for:
  • Perspective and realignment
  • A fun holiday party at work this past weekend (and 8+ hrs of paid overtime to plan it, decorate it, set it up, clean up, etc)
  • Some down time
  • Hearing the Lord's voice clearly again
  • Feeling like myself (joyful and not heavy-hearted and hopeless) for the first time in a few months
  • A great, illuminating lunch with Becca
  • A time to repent of my own actions with the entire S situation - how my fear of seeming discontent or unfaithful to the Lord by saying I long to be in a relationship with someone contributed to my getting so close to S and, in a sense, making him dependant on me without my having any intention of dating him. Wow...the heart is deceiptfully wicked....
  • A FABULOUS meeting about our downtown church hub plant and all the Lord was speaking
  • A spectacular small group meeting last night - proof that lots of prayer and a little preparation does a lot more than a lot of preparation and just a little prayer. He does the work and gets the credit...not me.

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