Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where've I Been?

That's a great question. And, not one I'm entirely sure I can fully articulate. Probably the easiest answer is that I was on a "brief" hiatus (if you can call the 2+ years that it's been since I've written more than one post ever other month 'brief') to work through some of my deepest demons and truly "find" myself.

How cliche, right? Yet, sadly, true.

For the past two years, I've immersed myself in more ministry opportunities than I can even comprehend; have been humbled to be a part of so many amazing moments and events - both in ministry, people, friends and family; walked through gut-wrenching identity crises; experienced moments of sheer joy, abandon and freedom; and emerged with the most-full view of God, His love, His plan and His purpose that I've ever had.

I think that may be a most-generic, inarticulate and lame synopsis of the past two years....but it's the best I've got for now (though, my guess is that - for the five of you who still actually occasionally glance at this blog - you already know what the past years have held). Plus, I'm more excited about where I'm going than where I've been.

And, I'm excited to tell you all about it in my next post. :)

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