Saturday, November 26, 2011

2011 Top Things I'm Thankful For

Late though not forgotten, my annual gratitude list:
  1. The unending, irreplaceable love of my Father
  2. His tenacious commitment to my life, my growth, my healing and my freedom
  3. His advocacy
  4. His protection
  5. His grace
  6. His mercy
  7. His help
  8. His favor
  9. His truth
  10. His victory
  11. His constant presence through a very rough year
  12. Great friends who literally carried me through the last year
  13. God's intervention moment-by-moment, step-by-step through the craziness of this past year
  14. Finally understanding - at least in part - the truth that God really is the end and the most important thing in life, that He is more real than everything else around me (think Stephen the martyr as he was about to be stoned )
  15. The constancy of God's voice
  16. His provision, every time, just in time
  17. A really great and kind lawyer
  18. Not going to jail
  19. Resolution to an unexpected and awful situation
  20. A weekend trip to Santa Fe, NM
  21. The chance to refinance my house for a great rate (with no money due at closing) - which resulted in saving nearly $200/mo
  22. A much-needed, all-inclusive vacation to Mexico
  23. The beach
  24. A new worship pastor at church
  25. And, how I am finally having the opportunity to be trained in worship leading, rather than just figuring it out on my own
  26. A newfound confidence and freedom to lead worship
  27. A newfound confidence and freedom in general
  28. Being told I'm beautiful
  29. And, actually believing it's true
  30. My "little sister"
  31. The opportunity to witness her growing into an amazing, smart, fun, grounded young woman
  32. Letu - the girl I sponsor through Compassion International
  33. Phenomenol new opportunities at work
  34. Unmerited favor from my company's president and board chairman - both of whom trust me, include me on many of their projects, and ask me to edit/write for them
  35. The opportunity to have my name down as "editor" for a book that will be published early next year for my company
  36. The steady growth of my side business, Writing for a CHANGE
  37. The faith that others have in me and my work - enough even to recommend me to their friends
  38. The ability to write and edit
  39. My love for grammar (!)
  40. My church, the Mile High Vineyard
  41. And, the grace God's poured on it and all it's done in the past 10 years
  42. His grace and vision for all that's yet to be done in our city and in the world and the fact that we get to be a part of it
  43. The prayers, sacrifice, tireless work and commitment of my pastors, Jay and Danielle
  44. My small group
  45. Finally having a co-leader for my small group
  46. The risks those in my small group have taken, to get out of their comfort zones and risk for Jesus and His Kingdom
  47. Growth and change in my father even while walking through some really tough stuff
  48. Restored relationship between him and my older sister
  49. My sisters and the fact that no matter how many miles separate us, we're still super close
  50. My fabulous friends, I truly don't know what I'd do without them.
  51. A great new roommate
  52. A car that's still running, at 15 years old and 140k+ miles
  53. So many new recipes to try
  54. Gorgeous red leaves in Denver this autumn
  55. Blue skies
  56. The ocean
  57. Running water
  58. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
  59. Wine, especially my new favoriate, Malbec
  60. An awesome birthday retreat with friends - it was an oasis in the middle of a terrible year
  61. First dates
  62. Being okay with no second dates
  63. Internet dating - the experience has been invaluable, even if no long-term relationship has resulted yet
  64. Being seen
  65. Being cherished
  66. Not being desperate for love and/or attention anymore
  67. Not settling
  68. Hope
  69. Faith in God's promises
  70. The willingness to wait for HIM to bring His promises to pass
  71. Laughter - the deep, from the belly kind
  72. Not fitting into my clothes anymore
  73. Provision to buy clothes in smaller sizes
  74. Friendships that endure the test of time and distance
  75. Skype
  76. Change
  77. Seasons - for their beauty alone and all they represent
  78. My niece Kristin and the amazing, talented woman she's becoming and her vast amount of common sense
  79. My niece Natalie and the sweet, faith filled little girl that she is
  80. Travel
  81. The diversity of the world and even of my city
  82. Candles
  83. Beauty in unexpected places
  84. The majesty of the Rockies
  85. And, that I get to see their majesty every day
  86. Living somewhere where there's 300+ days of sunshine each year
  87. Happy Hours
  88. Great deals at stores
  89. New recipes
  90. The Bible
  91. Inspired authors
  92. Others' courage and examples to me in so many areas and ways
  93. Gratitude
  94. And, how it changes everything
  95. Forgiveness
  96. Truth
  97. Peace
  98. Rest
  99. Drama-less living
  100. Salvation

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