Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Court Appearance #3

In mid-January, 2011, I went to my next court appearance. By this point, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't really have any hope that everything would be finalized...but I also didn't know what would happen ultimately. I hadn't given up, necessarily...I just had given up trying to have any idea about what was going to happen. Nothing had gone as expected 'til this point so, quite frankly, I had little hope that anything would go as I excected it again.

Well, as in the past, the State still hadn't been able to contact the pedestrian and were asking for yet another continuence. There was one stark difference though - the judge asked me if I thought it was time to get a lawyer.


I think it was in that moment that the severity and reality of what has happening sort of sunk in. This wasn't a mere traffic court incident. This was serious.

Knowing that I had a month until my next court appearance, my mind immediately obsessed about finding a lawyer and the fact that I truly had NO money to pay for one.

How was I going to do all this? What would happen to me? How would this all end?

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