Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Not Yet....and Yet, Now - Explained, Part 1

Here are some specific examples to go along with my last post - sorry it's taken nearly a month to share them (April was CRAZY busy!) Here they are:

1. My "little" sister A (via BBBS - BigBrothers BigSisters). If I'm honest, I only signed up with BBBS four years ago because I wanted to be doing something with underpriviledged kids while I was single. I was determined to not adopt or have foster kids until I was married, and in my mind, BBBS was a good alternative. Don't get me wrong - I've totally enjoyed my time with A thru the years. But, even in the past few months have found myself wondering if we should continue our relationship since she's a pre-teen and it feels like we have next to nothing in common anymore.

Recently, however, I've begun to identify as least a piece of the purpose of our relationship and, truly, how vital my place in her life is. It started when her mom called me crying a few weeks ago - telling me that A had been suspended from school. She begged me to try to talk to A since neither she nor A's teachers had been able to make much progress. I was honestly a bit overwhelmed with the heaviness of the situation - not being sure what difference I would be able to make. Yet, the Lord opened the door for a really great, meaningful conversation between A and me. She asked if I was going to lecture her like everyone else had, and when I said "No, I'm just curious to know what happened and why," she was shocked and let her defenses down. As a result, we had a very candid conversation about how her choices now as a seventh grader - though seemingly minor - could very well lead her down the very path she doesn't want to go (ie - be labled as a "trouble-maker" and/or prohibit her opportunities to go to college). She was SO responsive. Truly a miracle.

A couple weeks later when we were again together (the day before Easter), she was excited to share all the positive changes she'd been making and how much better things were going in school. She even talked about how she was hoping to go to Harvard to be a pediatrician. (?!) We "happened" to stop in my office for a moment and one of my bosses was there, working on a Saturday. One thing led to another and "randomly" he mentioned that he'd gone to Harvard. When he found out A wanted to go there, he gave her all these tips and pointers on what she can do now (in addition to get stellar grades) to make it happen. She was clearly deeply affected. And, we've already begun to discuss how we can implement some of his suggestions.

That afternoon, it all just felt like a random coincidence.

2. An Easter potluck. On Easter Sunday this year, my small group hosted an Easter potluck. We invited what felt like everyone we knew - whether a part of our church or not. And, we ended up with roughly 35 people in attendance. My house isn't big enough to host anywhere near that many people so some of the girls in our small group hosted in their house. Everything was lovely - in fact, I can't imaging the day having gone better.

But, while cooking the ham and a few other dishes for the potluck earlier that day at home, I had made a sort of snide comment to my roommate about how I was dreaming of the day when I didn't have time the cooking of my dishes to include transport time to another I'd love to have a home large enough that people could come to my house for a big party or event.  I didn't dwell on that disappointment for very long and really did enjoy myself at the girls' house that day...but there were definite moments where the pang of not being able to host in my own space hit me.

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