Thursday, October 7, 2010

Telling My Story, Part 1

Last week, I mentioned that the new series we're doing at small group is about sharing our stories (of how/why we follow Jesus) with our non-believing friends. We did launch the series last week - more of an apologetic, explaining why this would be a good thing for all of us to do. This week - tonight - I'm actually going to share my story with the group.

I think it's actually quite easy to share my life story - what life was/has been/is like, etc. I have no problem sharing any of that stuff with anyone at any time. But, this time, I'm coming at it from a different angle...or better said, I'm being more deliberate in how I form the story...answering questions like:
  • What happened in our lives that we chose to give up everything to follow Him?
  • What is it about Jesus that was so alluring?
  • Why do we continue to follow and pursue Him?What about the life we live while we're still here on earth?
  • How does following Jesus change how we live our lives?
  • And, quite frankly, why should it change how we live our lives?
  • Why do we want it to and why do we let it?
  • In a culture that says that all truth is relative and everyone's free to believe what he/she wants to, how do we share all that we've been given by Jesus with others in a way that makes them want to follow Him too?
  • People can smile and nod, saying something to the effect of "that's great for you" but how do we share Him in a way that makes them say, "wow...I want to know Jesus too"?
So, of course, it just got me to thinking. And, marveling. And standing in awe of the great love the Father has shown to me during every day of my 31+ years. His tender care, persistant love and unending grace. I deserve none of it. He's given me so much...and has delivered me from so much. It's so easy to just take one day at a time and forget the enormity of the work He's done in my life.

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