Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Season

Forgive the lack of posts over the past few weeks. I've not really had anything earth-shattering to say...but I probably could have come up with something if it wasn't for the crazy new season of life I'm in.

I've been back to work full time since August. But, rather than going back to my former role as simply office manager and receptionist, my role has been slowly expanding. About a month ago, I submitted a proposal to become the firmwide writer and editor and have just found out that it was accepted. The full explanation of that new role will come at a later time (once I fully know what it is) but for now, it simply means I don't have quite as much time on my hands at work. For now, I'm still the office manager and receptionist while slowly adding in new responsibilities as writer and editor. It's exciting. And, I'm busy. I like feeling busy at work. :)

In addition to my full-time job expanding, I did, in fact, start school again. It's just one class - and a foundational grammar class at that. It's actually not hard; it's good to have the refresher (after all, I'm a self-avowed grammar nerd). BUT, it's a lot of busy work - reading and doing all the little assignments. And, it's just the beginning of my studies at UCSD...and I'm sure as I get further into the program, it'll get more challenging.

Then, though I mentioned my intention to put Writing for a CHANGE on the back-burner for a while, I have more clients than I've ever had and lots of freelance work to do (which is a GREAT thing financially as I'm roommate-less for Nov and Dec). But, it also means a lot of work.

So, yes, I'm busy. For some of my longer-term readers, you're probably not surprised by this. I seem to always get myself into these positions of over-commitment. However, this time it's different. I've been managing my time pretty well and, so far, am keeping up quite well without feeling overwhelmed. In fact, I'm still able to lead my small group, counsel some women and help out with worship all the while hang out with friends, have down time, be open to new relationships and have time for Jesus. It's been good so far. But, it does leave less time for contemplating life and sharing it here on this blog.

There have been a few cool things to talk through/share here...so, if  I'm really productive these next few days, I'll try to get those things up here!

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